I was siiting on the couch yesterday and talking to Christopher when there was a knock on the door, Parker wnt over and opened the door, he saw who was out there and yelled "i cant play with you" and slammed the door. I was puzzled and asked Parker, was that Mason, Parker said no that was Taska. Taska, wait a sec arnt you friends with her. Parker said no she made fun of me this morning. so parker opens the door back up and tells her why he is mad and re slams the door. It hit me what happened.
Earlier this morning before school... i had just got parker and christopher ready for school. parker picked up a pair of sunglasses and with a flick of his wrist they opened he put them on his face and turned to chris and said lets go. I thought it was very cute of him, another aspect of parkers personality comming out.
I asked parker, did she make fun of your glasses. he said her and her brother laughed at him. i told parker i thought you looked cool and she wants to be mean about it maybe shes not a good friend. Parker said, they said i looked like elvis.
wait a sec hold everything, you upset they said you looked like elvis, lol. well so i took my computer and showed parker who elvis was and that was actually a compliment. as i was doing this there was another knock on the door. It was Taska, she came back, parker had told her what upset him, so she came back to talk to him, so i told parker you tell taska give you 2 sec. parker told her that than i set parker down and explained to him he had a simple misunderstanding about elvis and to explain to taska that he misunderstood her and tell her your sorr. parker went back to the door told taska how he felt, she said she was sorry and all was forgiven and they went out and played
Now thats how it works.
Parker got hurt, he told taska how she hurt him, taska relized what she did, the misunderstanding was explained to parker and her said sorry she said sorry and the fight lasted 10 whole min and all was forgotten and forgiven.
when someone tells me they need time it like saying i can forgive you but i am not going to forget it. so therefore it takes time, but if you just actually be resonable about things no time is needed because you both honestly set down and empathized with each other to get the prob solved. heres a quote i recently came across...
Forgiving and being reconciled are not about
pretending that things are other than the are. It is not
patting one another on the back and turning a blind eye
to the wrong...Forgiveness...means taking what
happened seriously and not minimizing it, drawing out
the sting in the memory that threatens to poison our
entire exsistance. it involves trying to understand the
perpetrators and so have empathy, to try o stand in their
shoes and appreciate the sort of pressures and influences
that might have conditioned them.
--Desmond Tutu