Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I will post for all the new people that might come by.

I have more to say in person than I do in type
thats why I dont blog alot. 

Nothing much going on its 2 day before Christmas
and its just getting funner and funner each year 
cause my kids are getting older and starting to buy
presents and be curious about heir own presents.

This is my first year of having presents under the tree
cause my kids are old enuf to buy stuff. Usually its me
buying for the whole family and so no suprise to me 
whats under the tree.  I have two presents yay. 

I had Parker wrap Chris's presents and Chris wrap
Parker's so that was a ton of fun to see them go 
hes gonna love that.

I love my kids and they just get a ton funner all the time.

We just celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Dec. 14th
of being a legal family, Donald adopted the boys on 
Dec. 14 2006. It was a ton of fun we opened a couple family
christmas presents and played them and watched movies 
and had an indoor picnic since its a lil cold outside.

I ll have to post how christmas goes.