Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cant Sleep...make it stop

I wish I could fall asleep but i cant

i cant stop thinking
i think the switch that turns thinking off is broken
i took 2 tylenol sleepy pills 15 min ago 
so i hope i fall asleep soon

my neck and shoulders are so tense

people always get mad at me for voicing what
i think is bothering me 
but if i dont this happens
i stay up all night thinking about it
i cant sleep....

i tried searching the ensign for answers so i could ease my mind
but it only validated my thoughts 
and now i cant sleep
cause now i am back at square one
how do i accomplish what i am trying to do

i guess i could try and define even more
but than thats thinking again.

i guess i could give up....
i have done all i could
is someone awake at midnight i can call

i remember when i was younger i used to call my sister
when i was to scared to fall asleep
just so she would tell me how stupid i was.
i needed to hear that so i felt stupid and would go to sleep

right now i already know what people would say
so i really dont need to hear it again i guess

give up and go to bed. 

thats what the rest the world does
give up
walk away
ignore the prob
sure it goes away, riiiiiight
only if you dont have a conscience 
or emotions. 

i dont know i really really dont know
is all i can say

well hmmmm the sleepy pills are somewhat kicking in
not as drowsy as i would like to feel.
cause i cant fall asleep if i am not tired.

oh well i am gonna try and give up
and go to bed
